(WASHINGTON) – The Teamsters are joining Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and a bipartisan coalition of over 30 Senators in demanding that Amazon cooperate with a congressional inquiry requesting information on its exploitative Delivery Service Partner (DSP) program.
The lawmakers made the demand in a recent letter to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, after the company sent a dishonest response to an earlier Senate oversight letter calling on Amazon to divulge whether its mistreatment and micromanagement of DSPs is compliant with federal labor law.
“Andy Jassy and Jeff Bezos think they can lie to the American people and break the law without consequences,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “This company is making billions off the backs of the hardworking men and women that drive Amazon vans, wear Amazon vests, and deliver Amazon packages, yet Amazon executives still have the audacity to turn around and deny that they’re Amazon employees. No company should be above the law, period. The Teamsters continue to support Senate efforts that hold this corporate bully accountable for its dishonesty and mistreatment of its workers.”
Sen. Murphy noted that Amazon’s response to the earlier Senate oversight letter “included multiple self-contradictory statements, general assertions without factual support instead of the information requested and claims at odds with publicly available data and highly credible investigative journalism.”
“Amazon’s letter to the U.S. Senate is full of lies,” said DSP Driver Jessie Moreno, who joined his co-workers in organizing with Teamsters Local 396. “Amazon is claiming that it doesn’t control its drivers, but we all know that’s not true. Amazon needs to take responsibility for our safety and well-being while we are delivering their packages. Amazon drivers and warehouse workers are standing together to demand the good jobs we deserve.”
Last month, a National Labor Relations Board judge ruled that Amazon CEO Andy Jassy broke federal labor laws by making anti-union threats.
The Senators gave Jassy until July 5 to respond to their latest letter.
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit Teamster.org for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at Facebook.com/teamsters.
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